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Article / Page Folder Structure

Posted on 1 min

Kayal makes use of Page bundles to serve page resources such as images, videos, and audio files.

Folder Structure

Suppose you have a markdown content file (posts/ what to include a cover image, a (in-content) image, and a video,


  1. Create a directory with the same name as your article’s markdown file.
  2. Inside this directory, create an file with your markdown content.
  3. Place all assets used by the markdown file in this folder.

Now your folder structure should look like this,

└── posts
    └── awesome-post
        ├── cover-image.jpg
        ├── img.png
        ├── video.mp4
        └── ....

Adding assets to article

You can refer to these assets in your markdown using relative paths.

To add a cover image, include this line in your markdown frontmatter:

coverImg: "cover-image.jpg"

To include images and videos in your content, use the following markdown syntax:
